This report prepared by Huaxia D&B China is sent to answer your inquiry on:

Shen Zhen Fei Long Zhong Gang Logistics Co., Ltd.

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Subscriber Key   :   929000042
Delivery Date   :   Jun 20,2019
Printed on   :   Jun 20,2019

Inquiry Date   :   Jun 13,2019
Inquiry Subject   :   深圳飞龙中港物流有限公司
Inquiry Address   :   -
Inquiry Phone/Fax   :   (P)13312961822 
Inquiry Reference   :   CUSTSR

Copyright © 2011-2016 Shanghai Huaxia Dun & Bradstreet Business Information Consulting Co., Limited


Shen Zhen Fei Long Zhong Gang Logistics Co., Ltd.

Report compiled Jun 20,2019
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Company Name Shen Zhen Fei Long Zhong Gang Logistics Co., Ltd.
Official English Name Yes
Chinese Name 深圳飞龙中港物流有限公司
DUNS® Number 55-064-8132
Address 1/F, Building 8, Tongfuyu Industrial Park, Huawang Road, Tongsheng Community, Dalang
Street Office, Longhua New Area
Postal Code 518109
Address (Chinese) 龙华新区大浪街道办同胜社区华旺路同富裕工业园
Telephone 0755 89810212
Type of Business A limited company
Year Started 2009
History Clear (Complete Shareholder(s) and management information)
Imports Yes
Exports Yes
Employees 70 (Total)
Principal Lexiu WU / Legal Representative
US SIC Code 4731 0000
Primary Business Freight transportation arrangement

Risk Summary

  EMMA Score 6  
  D&B Rating 3AA3  
  Litigation Records 0  
  Principal(s) 2  
  Trade References 0  
  History Changes 2  
  Media Records 0  
  Registered Capital RMB 10,000,000  
Click on summary items for full details
All monetary amounts quoted in this report are shown in Renminbi(RMB) unless otherwise stated.
"-" stands for "Insufficient information" or "No comments".

Risk Assessment

  EMMA Score 6  
  Relative Risk  
Average Risk 
  1 10  
  D&B Rating 3AA3  
  Financial Strength 3AA (Registered Capital 8,500,000 - 84,999,999)  
  Composite Appraisal3 Fair 

  PAYDEX of This Business N/A
  PAYDEX of this business is not available
  It requests at least three trade experiences to generate a PAYDEX. PAYDEX is not computable with the current payment information of the company.

EMMA Score predicts the possibility of a business in perilous status of instability or unreliability, such as poor financials, delay payment, stale inventory, abnormal operational status, etc., it is based on a scale of 1 (the lowest risk) to 10 (the highest risk). Subject's EMMA score is ‘6’, indicating Average Risk.

D&B Rating assesses enterprises'financial strength and credit condition and determines their credibility. Subject's D&B Rating is 3AA3 (indicating Financial Strength: Registered Capital 8,500,000 - 84,999,999) and its composite credit appraisal is 3 (Fair).

Company Overview

Subject is a limited company, which was established in 2009. Subject is mainly engaged in logistics and transportation services. Currently, subject owns around 70 staff.

Current Investigation

On Jun 20,2019 ,Manager Mr. Tangxuan Xiahou(Tel: 1331296****) confirmed partially operational and historical data in this report. Other information was obtained from a third-party source.

Generally in China, the information in our reports is collected and validated through telephone interview with subject, review of public websites of the business and acquisition of data that is publicly available by the Chinese Government.

History Changes

Date   Event
Jan 27,2015   Registered Address Changed
——   Integration of Three Licenses



EMMA Score


EMMA Score Analysis

Subject's EMMA score is mainly impacted by the following risk drivers:

  • Subject is a limited company, which is classified as a lower risk type of business.
  • Subject is Freight transportation arrangement, which is classified as a higher risk type of industry.
  • Subject has an employee size of 70, which is in the medium range level, indicating a medium risk level.
  • Subject/Industry PAYDEX® shows payment behaviour of the company/industry is good, indicating lower risk.
  • EMMA Score

    By evaluating all risk factors, the company is assigned with EMMA score of "6", indicating "Average Risk".


    Industry Norm Grouping
      Industry Group SIC 4731  
      Industry Group Description Freight transportation arrangement  
      Industry Group EMMA Score Quartile Values
    Lower Quartile 4
    Median 5
    Upper Quartile 7

    Company Risk Vs Industry Norm Chart
    EMMA Score
    Lower Quartile
    Upper Quartile
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    EMMA Score
    Shen Zhen Fei Long Zhong Gang Logistics Co., Ltd. Industry
    Distribution of EMMA Score in Huaxia D&B China's Database
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Score Distribution
    1 2%
    2 5%
    3 10%
    4 17%
    5 20%
    6 19%
    7 16%
    8 7%
    9 3%
    10 1%

    Note: please refer to the report appendix for the principle and major factors of Huaxia D&B China EMMA Score.


    Risk Assessment Matrix
    PAYDEX Risk Range
    (EMMA 1 - 3)
    (EMMA 4 - 7)
    (EMMA 8 - 10)
    80>PAYDEX>=60 AB BB (Subject lies in this group) CB


    Interpretation and Analysis of Risk Assessment Matrix
    Classifications Risk Level Description Credit Policy
    Quality group AA->AB Business is sound, and the bills are paid promptly with good credit reputation. Favorable credit policy can be granted with automatic approval.
    Medium risk group BA->BB->AC Business is operated under medium risk, and some delay payment behaviors exist. Appropriate credit policy is suggested with some manual review.
    High risk group CA->BC->CB Business is operated under high risk, and some severe delay payment behaviors exist. Relatively strict credit policy is suggested with detailed manual review.
    Monitoring group CC Business is run under high risk or with high possibility of windup, and the bills are unable to be paid in time. Avoid credit sales. Cash settlement is suggested.
    *Risk levels are listed in order of risk from low to high.


    According to the Risk Assessment Matrix, subject is rated as "BB", which represents the subject belongs to the medium risk group:

  • The risk level of the subject is medium, which reveals its business risk is at the average level amid all Chinese enterprises;
  • The PAYDEX® of subject/industry indicates that some delay payment behavior exists. However, the time and amount of the delay is relatively acceptable, thus its delay payment behavior is not severe;
  • Conclusion: Subject's business is operated at the average level and its business risk is also at the average level. And the subject/industry has some short-term delay payment behaviors. The subject is classified in the medium risk group. The appropriate credit policy should be granted, following a necessary manual review of the subject based on its capacity, internal policy and risk tolerance.
  • top



    Up to Jun 20,2019 , no particular payment records on subject can be found in HDBC Dun-trade Program database. In addition, any related payment information for subject could not be obtained via tele-interviews during current investigation.


    The D&B PAYDEX® is a unique indicator of payment performance weighted by the monetary value of the payment experiences as reported to D&B by trade references. A detailed explanation of how to read and interpret PAYDEX values can be found in the Appendices section of this report.

      PAYDEX of This Business N/A
      PAYDEX of this business is not available
      It requests at least three trade experiences to generate a PAYDEX. PAYDEX is not computable with the current payment information of the company.
      PAYDEX of This Industry
      0 100  
      When weighted by value,payments to suppliers average 8 days beyond terms based on payments collected over the last 24 months
      Industry Name:Freight transportation arrangement
      Industry Median:75
      Upper/Lower Quartile:80/57
      Based on:6118 businesses
    D&B PAYDEX® Key
    High risk of late payment(average 30 to 120 days beyond terms) Medium risk of late payment(average 30 days or less beyond terms) Low risk of late payment(average prompt to 30+ days sooner)





    Registration Date Jun 24,2009
    Registered At Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration
    Unified Social Credit Identifier 91440300691150592G
    License Expiry Date Jun 24,2029
    Enterprise Registration Status in good standing (in operation, open and registered)
    Enterprise Management Status open
    Registered Capital RMB 10,000,000
    Business Started 2009
    Type of Business a limited company
    Registered Address 1/F, Building 8, Tongfuyu Industrial Park, Huawang Road, Tongsheng Community, Dalang Street Office, Longhua New Area, Shenzhen
    Legal Representative Lexiu Wu
    Business Scope Road ordinary freight (excluding the transportation of dangerous goods and operating by road transport business license within the validity period); international freight forwarding; handling; domestic trade; import and export of goods and technology. (Except for laws, administrative regulations, and decisions of the State Council that require approval before registration)^


    Shareholding Structure

    Name Region/ Country Shares Investment Mode Paid-Up Rate
    Xuli Kuang
    China 10% Cash  
    Dongming Wu
    China 89% Cash  
    Lexiu Wu
    China 1% Cash  
    Total   100%    


    Above registration information was obtained from official registry source on Jun 20,2019 .


  • During this current investigation, the Paid-up Rate is not available.
  • The 2018 annual report of subject is published on Jun 05,2019 .
  • History Changes

    Registered Address Changed

    From: (Office) 201, Building 9, No.1 Sanjiaoshan, Tongsheng Community, Dalang Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen
    To:1/F, Building 8, Tongfuyu Industrial Park, Huawang Road, Tongsheng Community, Dalang Street Office, Longhua New Area, Shenzhen(Current Registered Address)On(in) Jan 27,2015

    Integration of Three Licenses

    From: Business Registration No.: 440306104105832
    National Organization Code: 691150592
    Tax No.: 440300691150592
    To: Unified Social Credit Identifier: 91440300691150592G

    History Summary

    Subject was established in 2009. Currently, shareholders were Xuli Kuang, Dongming Wu and Lexiu Wu. Lexiu Wu acted as the legal representative. Registered capital is RMB 10,000,000 at present.





    Lexiu WU - Legal Representative/Executive Director
    吴 乐秀

    Gender Male
    Nationality China
    Activity Status Yes
    Related Working Experience 5 Year+

    Dongming WU - General Manager
    吴 冬明

    Gender Male
    Nationality China
    Activity Status Yes
    Area of Responsibility Overall management
    Related Working Experience 5 Year+




    Line of Business

    Subject is mainly engaged in logistics and transportation services.

    US SIC Code 4731 0000 Freight transportation arrangement

    US SIC Code 4214 0000 Local trucking with storage

    Subject is entitled to independent import and export rights.


    Purchase Territory

    Area Percent Region/Country

    Purchasing Terms

    Terms   Percent
    Agreement/Contract basis - -

    Purchasing Settlement Method

    Settlement Method Percent


    Sales Territory

    Area Percent Region/Country

    Selling Terms

    Terms   Percent
    Agreement/Contract basis - -

    Selling Settlement Method

    Settlement Method Percent

    China Customs Import and Export Information

    Customs Rating: general credit enterprise

    On March 3, 2018, General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China published the announcement of the implementation of ' Customs Enterprise Credit Management Measures of the People's Republic of China'. From May 1, 2018, the customs recognize the certified enterprises, general credit enterprise and dishonest enterprises according to the enterprise integrity. The certified enterprises are divided into high certified enterprises and general certified enterprises.


    Employee Size

    Type Number
    Total 70
    The above are approximate staff numbers.

    Operations Summary

    Subject is mainly engaged in logistics and transportation services. Subject is entitled to I/E Rights.


    Principal Place of Business

    Location Description An industrial area
    Used as Office and warehouse
    Occupation Type Rents

    Other Place of Business

    Address 1/F, Building 8, Tongfuyu Industrial Park, Huawang Road, Tongsheng Community, Dalang Street Office, Longhua New Area, Shenzhen





    Please note that any financial information (such as financial statements) included in this report was obtained with the company's consent or from the stock exchange. If no financial information is provided in this report, it is because the company did not provide its consent to have such information disclosed. Pursuant to the Interim Regulations on the Public Disclosure of Enterprise Information, issued by the State Council and effective from 1 October 2014, companies will no longer be required to submit their financial statements to the Administration of Industry and Commerce (AIC). Instead, only limited financial figures of the company will be reported to the AIC, and such figures will be made available in reports only if the company itself has consented to the disclosure of such financial figures. These new requirements affect all company financial information for the 2013 financial year and onward, and as such, financial statements should no longer be available in any reports for the 2013 financial year and onward, unless the company itself has provided such statements and consented to the disclosure of such statements, or the company's financial statement has been published on a stock exchange.

    Financial Comments
    • Subject's financial information is not disclosed.


    The company maintains relationship(s) with the following bank(s) in China:

    Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank
    Renmin Road Sub_branch

    Account Number 000040310474




    Industry Highlights

    Date May 30, 2018
    Source Statistics Authorities
    Detail In 2017, the growth in the total amount of social logistics steadily increased. The total amount of social logistics throughout the year was RMB 252.8 trillion, up 6.7% year on year; that of industrial product logistics was RMB 234.5 trillion, up 6.6% year on year (up 0.6% in the growth rate); that of imported goods logistics was RMB 12.5 trillion, up 8.7% year on year (up 1.3% in the growth rate); that of agricultural product logistics was RMB 3.7 trillion, up 3.9% year on year (up 0.8% in the growth rate); that of renewable resource logistics was RMB 1.1 trillion, down 1.9%; and that of unit & resident goods logistics was RMB 1.0 trillion, up 29.9%.
    In 2017, the ratio of total social logistics costs to GDP declined slightly. The total costs of social logistics throughout the year were RMB 12.1 trillion, up 9.2% year on year (lower than that in the growth rate of the total amount of social logistics and GDP current price); that of transport were RMB 6.6 trillion, up 10.9%(up 7.6% in the growth rate over the same period of last year); that of storage were RMB 3.9 trillion, up 6.7% (up 5.4% in the growth rate); and that of management were RMB 1.6 trillion, up 8.3% (up 2.7% in the growth rate). In 2017, the ratio of total social logistics costs to GDP was 14.6%, down 0.3% over the same period of last year.
    In 2017, the total revenue of the logistics industry grew rapidly. The total revenue of the logistics industry was RMB 8.8 trillion, up 11.5% year on year (up 6.9% in the growth rate over the same period of last year).
    Date Jun 30, 2017
    Source Statistics Authorities
    Detail In 2016, the logistics operation was stable and the total growth rate of social logistics increased slightly. The ratio of total social logistics costs to GDP was 14.9%, down 1.1 percentage points compared with that in 2015. The total income of logistics industry in 2016 was RMB 7.9 trillion, up 4.6% compared with that in 2015.
    In 2016, the total social logistics amounts showed a steady growth trend. National social logistics amounts totaled RMB 229.7 trillion, up 6.1% year on year, with a growth rate increasing by 0.3 percentage point compared with that in 2015. From the perspective of composition, industrial goods logistics amounts totaled RMB 214.0 trillion, up 6.0% year on year, with a growth rate down 0.1 percentage point over the previous year calculated at comparable prices; the imported goods logistics amounts totaled RMB 10.5 trillion, up 7.4% and increasing by 7.2 percentage points; the agricultural product logistics amounts totaled RMB 3.6 trillion, up 3.1% and falling by 0.8 percentage point; the renewable resources logistics amounts totaled RMB 0.9 trillion, up 7.5%, down 11.5 percentage points; and the total amounts of units and resident goods logistics was RMB 0.7 trillion, up 42.8%, and increasing by 7.3 percentage points.
    The total costs of social logistics in 2016 was RMB 11.1 trillion, up 2.9 percent year on year, with a growth rate of 0.1 percentage point higher than that in 2015, which was obviously lower than that of the total social logistics amounts and GDP. Transportation costs were RMB 6.0 trillion, up 3.3%, with a growth rate increasing by 0.2 percentage point compared with that in 2015; storage costs were RMB 3.7 trillion, up 1.3%, and down 0.3 percentage point; and management costs RMB 1.4 trillion, up 5.6% and increasing by 0.6 percentage point.

    Public Records


    Litigation Records

    As of Jun 20,2019 , HDBC has searched the China Court website, website of local court in the place where subject is located, major domestic courts websites as well as our internal China court database, but no related court records can be found against the subject within 5 years.

    Remark: The above mentioned channels are currently publicly available ones to search for the court records against China enterprises. However, due to lack of a centralized database in mainland China that covers all Chinese enterprises' litigation records, partial cases against subject might not be available.

    Media Records

    As of Jun 20,2019 , no related media records can be found against the subject within 2 years.




    HDBC EMMA Score

    D&B EMMA Score (Emerging Market Mediation Alert Score) is a risk assessment model developed for emerging market countries. It is a score developed by data profiling approach and statistical modeling, which predicts the possibility of a business in perilous status of instability or unreliability, such as poor financials, delay payment, stale inventory, abnormal operational status, etc. The EMMA Score provides you with a quick assessment of a business' risk standing, and when used together with other information, allows you to make better risk decisions.

    The EMMA Score is based on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 represents a lower risk and 10 a higher risk.

    EMMA Score for China is initially rolled out in May 2009, derived from the sample analysis of millions of company records. When using the Score to make individual applicant decisions, a customized version of this table based on an analysis of the Score against your customer account portfolio is recommended. It does not necessarily mean doing business with a company, which is assigned with higher Risk Score, will result in increased risk.

    Considering the particularity of Chinese business environment and in order to make EMMA Score analyze and reflect risk factors of Chinese enterprises more appropriately, HDBC conducted an optimization and adjustment toward EMMA Score in the first half of 2012, combined PAYDEX® to appraisal model as an important risk evaluating dimension and will try harder to deeply reflect the internal factors of enterprise risk. The optimized EMMA Score makes the scores more scientifically and effectively reflect the risk characteristics of current China as an emerging market and more objectively and deeply reflect risk level of Chinese enterprises.

    EMMA Score for China is calibrated on regular basis following D&B Global Modeling Methodology that captures business environmental change in China caused by macro economy shift and particular systematic events.

    HDBC EMMA Score Commentary
    Risk Range EMMA Score % of Report in Database % of High Risk Business Commentary
    Low Risk Scores 1-3 28.9% 5.7% Lower Risk Range
    Medium Risk Scores 4-7 56.7% 9.1% Average Risk Range
    High Risk Scores 8-10 14.4% 36.4% High Risk Range

    The Key Drivers of the EMMA Score include the following:

    Business Information

    • Business Type
    • Line of Business
    • Employee Size
    • Sales Territory
    • Registered Capital
    • Year of Establishment
    • History Status
    • Property Ownership

    Geographical Information

    • Region & Province

    Public Record

    • Number of Negative Record

    Payment Information

    • Percentage of Overdue Payment
    • Company/Industry PAYDEX®
    EMMA Score Application
    • Low EMMA Score - May proceed to process the applicant quickly with minimal or no manual review depending on the extent of score validation analysis.
    • Medium EMMA Score - Medium Risk Scores - Recommend a manual review of the applicant based on the applicant's capacity, your internal policy and risk tolerance.
    • High EMMA Score - High Risk Scores - Requires thorough manual review of potential decline, or approval depending on the applicant's capacity, your internal policy and risk tolerance.

    Sample Data Analysis of Risk Assessment Matrix Database

    Risk Matrix Sample Distribution
    PAYDEX Risk Range
    Low Medium High
    PAYDEX>=80 13.6% 12.6% 0.5%
    80>PAYDEX>=60 15.2% 28.7% 1.7%
    PAYDEX<60 0.1% 15.4% 12.2%

    Possibility of High Risk Enterprise
    PAYDEX Risk Range
    Low Medium High
    PAYDEX>=80 5.8% 8.4% 9.1%
    80>PAYDEX>=60 5.6% 8.4% 14.5%
    PAYDEX<60 5.6% 11.1% 40.4%

    Interpretation and Analysis of Risk Assessment Matrix
    Classifications Risk Level Description Credit Policy
    Quality group AA->AB Business is sound, and the bills are paid promptly with good credit reputation. Favorable credit policy can be granted with automatic approval.
    Medium risk group BA->BB->AC Business is operated under medium risk, and some delay payment behaviors exist. Appropriate credit policy is suggested with some manual review.
    High risk group CA->BC->CB Business is operated under high risk, and some severe delay payment behaviors exist. Relatively strict credit policy is suggested with detailed manual review.
    Monitoring group CC Business is run under high risk or with high possibility of windup, and the bills are unable to be paid in time. Avoid credit sales. Cash settlement is suggested.

    *Risk levels are listed in order of risk from low to high.

    Risk Assessment Matrix is the tool for investigating the insight of subject combined with EMMA Score and PAYDEX®. EMMA Score can indicate the risk level of subject. With the help of  PAYDEX®, one can also further analysis subject's risk and find out the internal factors causing risks based on the payment records of subject. In summary, the assessment matrix can make further insightful analysis towards the enterprises with similar EMMA Scores.

    When using EMMA Score and Risk Assessment Matrix, the combination of other information, such as internal assessment policy of enterprise, commercial information provided by HDBC, and feedback from the people who directly contacts with subject, etc., is recommended. With these information, it will allow you to be more convenient to make risk decisions.

    D&B Rating

    D&B Rating Interpretation Tables

      Financial Strength   Composite Credit Appraisal
    Tangible Net worth Registered Capital Renminbi (RMB) Strong Good Fair Limited Undetermined
    5A 5AA > 450,000,000 1 2 3 4 -
    4A 4AA 85,000,000 - 449,000,000 1 2 3 4 -
    3A 3AA 8,500,000 - 84,999,999 1 2 3 4 -
    2A 2AA 6,500,000 - 8,499,999 1 2 3 4 -
    1A 1AA 4,500,000 - 6,499,999 1 2 3 4 -
    A AA 2,500,000 - 4,499,999 1 2 3 4 -
    B BB 1,750,000 - 2,499,999 1 2 3 4 -
    C CC 1,000,000 - 1,749,999 1 2 3 4 -
    D DD 650,000 - 999,999 1 2 3 4 -
    E EE 450,000 - 649,999 1 2 3 4 -
    F FF 300,000 - 449,999 1 2 3 4 -
    G GG 200,000 - 299,999 1 2 3 4 -
    H HH < 200,000 1 2 3 4 -
      Alternate Ratings   Explanation               
    N Financial Strength is negative     3 4 -
    O Financial Strength is undisclosed 1 2 3 4 -
    NB New Business: Less than 24 months 1 2 3 4 -
    NQ Out of Business: Business has ceased to trade 4  
    BR Branch or division location
    INV Investigation is undergoing

    Explanation of PAYDEX

    A score of 80 denotes that payments reported to D&B have generally been made within terms. Scores over 80 indicate that payments reported to D&B have been made earlier than terms. The chart below outlines the specific 0-100 score and what it means.


    D&B PAYDEX®   Payment Habit
    100   Anticipate
    90   Discount
    80   Prompt
    70   15 days beyond terms
    60   22 days beyond terms
    50   30 days beyond terms
    40   60 days beyond terms
    30   90 days beyond terms
    20   120 days beyond terms
    0-19   Over 120 days beyond terms
    UN   Unavailable

    Customs Rating

    On March 3, 2018, General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China published the announcement of the implementation of ‘Customs Enterprise Credit Management Measures of the People's Republic of China’. From May 1, 2018, the customs recognize the certified enterprises, general credit enterprise and dishonest enterprises according to the enterprise integrity. The certified enterprises are divided into high certified enterprises and general certified enterprises.

    Please refer to the customs chain link: No. 237 order of General Administration of Customs (Customs Enterprise Credit Management Measures of the People's Republic of China)

    Customer Service

    Customer Service Contact Information
    Telephone 400-820-3536 (Shanghai)
    400-810-3531 (Beijing)
    800-830-9032 (Guangzhou)
    Our ref: 201906139279300085

    Your ref: CUSTSR


    Whilst Huaxia D&B China attempts to ensure that the information provided is accurate and complete by reason of the immense quantity of detailed matter dealt within compiling the information and the fact that some of the data are supplied from sources not controlled by Huaxia D&B China which cannot always be verified, including information provided direct from the subject of enquiry as well as the possibility of negligence and mistake, HDBC does not guarantee the correctness or the effective delivery of the information and will not be held responsible for any errors or omissions therein.

    Copyright © Huaxia D&B China